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- March 2023: NOAAH Prime Publisher’s PageHarold Laswell, the noted American political scientist, once observed and defined politics as, “who gets what, when and why.” Politics live in… Read more: March 2023: NOAAH Prime Publisher’s Page
- Colorado Statehouse Debates Evictions, FinallyState lawmakers are one step closer to passing a bill to protect renters from being unfairly evicted. The “just cause” eviction bill… Read more: Colorado Statehouse Debates Evictions, Finally
- Proposition 123 ImplementationSeveral hundred million dollars for affordable housing will become available in the second half of 2023 due to the enactment of Proposition 123 by… Read more: Proposition 123 Implementation
- Just the Facts Colorado StatsAll across Colorado, there is a shortage of rental homes affordable and available to extremely low income households (ELI), whose incomes are… Read more: Just the Facts Colorado Stats
- Colorado Housing Crises, Past Housing Concerns to Critical NeedsEarlier this month Governor Jared Polis and lawmakers unveiled a long-awaited plan to spur residential development and increase the housing stock in… Read more: Colorado Housing Crises, Past Housing Concerns to Critical Needs
- NOAAH News/Commentary: AnnapolisWhen it was on the verge of being taken over by HUD due to decades of poor management, the Housing Authority of… Read more: NOAAH News/Commentary: Annapolis
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