More About Us and Our Mission
The National Organization of Africans in Housing (NOAAH), is a national network organization that promotes its members, sponsors and supporting collaborators through organizing and disseminating housing information, publications, hosting local and national conferences, and facilitate /work to build consensus within the affordable housing industry.
The Next 25 Years
The nation’s affordable housing is a vital source of stable, affordable homes for more than 900,000 low-income households, of which a large majority have incomes below the poverty line and more than 70 percent are headed by a person of color. Public/affordable housing can deliver major benefits to the people it serves, not only helping them keep a roof over their heads but also potentially acting as a platform for services that improve other aspects of their lives and contributing to reinvestment and improved conditions in surrounding neighborhoods. But much of the nation’s public/affordable rental housing stock requires a new set of policy approaches to realize this potential, including large increases in federal funding. Without these changes, living conditions — already unsafe and unhealthy in too many properties — will likely worsen and more developments will deteriorate to the point where residents are forced to move.
The NOAAH network stands ready to meet the challenges we face. Congress looks to embark upon a major re-investment in the affordable housing segment. What was true 25 years ago when NOAAH was formed is true today. Everyone needs and deserves a safe, decent, and affordable roof over their heads.
The nation’s affordable housing is a vital source of stable, affordable homes for more than 900,000 low-income households, of which a large majority have incomes below the poverty line and more than 70 percent are headed by a person of color. Public/affordable housing can deliver major benefits to the people it serves, not only helping them keep a roof over their heads but also potentially acting as a platform for services that improve other aspects of their lives and contributing to reinvestment and improved conditions in surrounding neighborhoods. But much of the nation’s public/affordable rental housing stock requires a new set of policy approaches to realize this potential, including large increases in federal funding.
The NOAAH network stands ready to meet the challenges. As of this brochure’s printing, the Congress looks to embark upon a major re-investment in the affordable housing community. What was true 25 years ago when NOAAH was formed, is true today. Everyone needs and deserves a safe, decent, and affordable roof over their heads